Monday, October 1, 2012

Not drowning...

Like so many people, I find myself in various states of stress pretty much every day. Today, in particular, I had let situations and worries consume my thoughts on my 45 minute drive home from work. When I got within 5 minutes of my driveway, the sky opened up. The gray clouds that had held out most of my drive, opened without reserve. I might now have seen it had I not turned around to make sure I locked the door.After I dashed from my car to the stoop to avoid to drops, I was single-minded trying to get into my house. Then it caught my eye. A tiny rainbow hanging like a banner over my car. I could see from one end to the other (no gold, I checked). I was immediately reminded that the rainbow is a symbol of a promise from God. The first rainbow was God's seal that he would not destroy the earth again with water. My little rainbow reminded me that even though I feel like I am just barely treading water, God will not let me drown.

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