Sunday, December 16, 2012


I am currently reading through "A Jane Austen" devotional and tonight's lesson was all about valuing things that are silly and the modern desire to focus on triviality. The parallel was to the character, Catherine, from Northanger Abbey. Catherine was a big fan of sensational novels of the time, and therefore, due to her consistent exposure to such, she began to use her imagination to exaggerate everyday situations to immense proportions. This character sooo spoke to me. I get very wrapped up with the happenings of my every day life and so easily explode minor instances. (I am convinced that I could very easily become a hermit - thanks to online shopping). But my over active imagination cripples me in a way that God never meant for it to: it produces fear. God doesn't want me to live life in fear of his plans and purpose; he wants his plans and purposes accomplished and will have them so - regardless of me. So, at the end of the day, it is good to know that God has it all in control :).

Wee ones...

I had great help taking notes tonight at church.  This precious little girl has already had to endure much in her short life.  Please keep her in your prayers (Little M) :)


Management versus leadership...




Share him...


He shall be great...

Love someone...




Monday, November 12, 2012

Proverbs 31 Lady...

We recently have been studying what it means to be a Proverbs 31 lady. Many feminists believe that this sort of thinking is what holds women back. However, upon further study, we find that this sort of structure is what holds together families and society. It is not a place in which a husband lords over his wife, it is a place of mutual respect and growth. This is an environment in which all members thrive, not the toxicity in which one (man or woman) considers themselves better than another member. Everyone gets to shine in this scenario :).